Join Emma Leyfield for a Journalling Through Winter day workshop and start your new winter hobby as the nights draw in

Winter is the perfect time to get back to your sketchbook. If you've previously attended one of my classes, and have been dabbling a little, or perhaps haven't even lifted a brush since, then this is your opportunity for a refresher. Alternatively, as new-year-diary-keeping resolves roll in.

This class includes a Christmas sketchbook prompt - in fact there are a few, so that you can carry on journaling throughout the winter. It's up to you if you'd like to take part in this task, or bring in your own projects to work on with guidance during the session.
During the morning, you will cover a watercolour introduction/refresher, paint winter foliage and mix colours.

During the afternoon you will use the winter journaling prompts to draw, such as drawing garden birds, warming winter recipes and studies of muted winter landscapes.




Emma is an emerging artist and freelance illustrator who specialises in watercolours and portraiture and is known for her sketchbooks, which she makes through bookbinding.

Specialising in observational watercolours, Emma is passionate about traditional methods of drawing that are being lost as digital art takes the stage. This is visible in her work, which is inspired by the illustrators of the Golden age and is often referred to as nostalgic; reminding the viewer of their childhood. This impression is emphasised by the subjects she choses, which capture the wonder and curiosity of the world around her, with particular focus on British plants and wildlife.

Emma is a born teacher who immediately connects with her students. I have been given the confidence to experiment and the resources and skills to know how to go about that.
— G Wales, Course Student

Tutor: Emma Leyfield
Date & Time: Saturday 30th November , 10am - 4pm
Venue: Scissors Studio, New Brewery Arts
PRICE: £90.00 (£0.00 VAT)

Please note that this workshop is for those aged 18 and over.

You are welcome to bring a lidded bottle of water with you but we kindly ask that you do not bring food into the studio. 

Our on-site café Blend is open until 4pm each day.

For more information:
Visit our FAQ page

Who is this workshop for?

All abilities welcome

What you will need:

All materials will be provided to include:

- A new sketchbook
- Your Winter Journal prompt list
- Tips & tutorage
- A Christmas goody-bag to take home

Residential option available. Find out about our accommodation, costs and how to book here.


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