Tutor Ann-Margreth Bohl
Photo credit Anais Parr
Photo credit Barbara Beyer
Ann-Margreth Bohl MRSS
Sculptor and installation artist
Ann-Margreth Bohl is a sculptor and installation artist and has been a tutor at New Brewery Arts for the past 19 years. She first experienced stone carving over 25 years ago when she trained as an art therapist. To this day she is inspired by the physicality of stone and the ability to work creatively with this ancient and lasting material.
Within her current practise stone is not always carved, her inquiry into this ancient material and materials like light and sound are anchored in their phenomenology which she explores through drawing and by creating site specific installations.
She enjoys teaching in an informal way, passing on the skills and knowledge of stonecarving that she has acquired from stonemasons and stone sculptors over the years. She believes that every student has a unique way of working and engaging with form through the process of carving.
When you come to one of Ann-Margreth’s stone carving classes you can be a beginner or an advanced stone carver that enjoys working within a group on an individual project.
Ann-Margreth is happy to give you as much guidance or be as hands off as you wish.She is experienced in the carving of abstract forms and a basic knowledge of letter carving that she is happy to share with you.
Ann-Margreth is currently studying for her Fine Art MA at the University of Gloucestershire.