
The Textiles of Lucienne Day by Jan Miller

The Textiles of Lucienne Day by Jan Miller

For the past six months I've been working on a project with Beth Alden (CEO at New Brewery Arts), and have been hearing advance snippets about the New Brewery Arts' programming calendar. So I'd been looking forward to visiting Lucienne Day: Living Design for quite some time. It was a curious experience. There was joyous familiarity to some of the exhibits, whilst also so much more to explore and learn about the artist.

A Sense of Excitement

A Sense of Excitement

Whenever I visit New Brewery Arts – and, as Chair of Trustees, I’m in the building at least on one day most weeks of the year – I always feel a sense of excitement as I enter the building. What will I find that’s new today? What is there to look at in the shop? Is that stone carving or a life drawing class going on? Is the cafe full? Shall I take another look at the exhibition in the gallery?

It's therapeutic to get your hands dirty!

Crafting is my release, it’s my ‘me’ time, where I focus totally on the task in hand, taking me away from the demands of daily life. We are currently renovating our home and taking craft courses has been a godsend! Being able to focus totally one thing is almost meditative and very much needed in the chaos that home alterations bring.